Account_Wishlist Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Account_Wishlist:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Account_Wishlist:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Current user wishlist manager. When user is logged in in this manager window he can modify his own wishlist status - remove articles from wishlist or store them to shopping basket, view detail information. Additionally user can view wishlist of some other user by entering users login name in special field. OXID eShop -> MY ACCOUNT -> Newsletter.

Definition at line 12 of file account_wishlist.php.

Public Member Functions

 render ()
 showSuggest ()
 getWishList ()
 getWishProductList ()
 getSimilarRecommLists ()
 sendWishList ()
 isWishListEmailSent ()
 getEnteredData ()
 togglePublic ()
 searchForWishList ()
 getWishListUsers ()
 getWishListSearchParam ()

Protected Attributes

 $_sThisTemplate = 'account_wishlist.tpl'
 $_blShowSuggest = null
 $_oWishList = null
 $_aRecommList = null
 $_oEditval = null
 $_iSendWishList = null
 $_sSearchParam = null
 $_oWishListUsers = false
 $_blEmailSent = false
 $_aEditValues = false

Member Function Documentation

Account_Wishlist.render (  ) 

If user is logged in loads his wishlist articles (articles may be accessed by oxuser.GetBasket()), loads similar articles (is available) for the last article in list loaded by oxarticle.GetSimilarProducts() and returns name of template to render account_wishlist._sThisTemplate

Template variables: blshowsuggest, wishlist

string $_sThisTemplate current template file name

Reimplemented from Account.

Definition at line 102 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.showSuggest (  ) 

check if the wishlist is allowed


Definition at line 128 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.getWishList (  ) 

Show the Wishlist

oxuserbasket | bool

Definition at line 141 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.getWishProductList (  ) 

Returns array of producst assigned to user wish list

array | bool

Definition at line 164 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.getSimilarRecommLists (  ) 

Template variable getter. Returns an string if there is something in the list


Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Definition at line 181 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.sendWishList (  ) 

Sends wishlist mail to recipient. On errors returns false.

Template variables: editval, error, success


Definition at line 208 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.isWishListEmailSent (  ) 

If email was sent.


Definition at line 253 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.getEnteredData (  ) 

Terurns user entered values for sending email.


Definition at line 263 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.togglePublic (  ) 

Changes wishlist status - public/non public. Returns false on error (if user is not logged in).


Definition at line 274 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.searchForWishList (  ) 

Searches for wishlist of another user. Returns false if no searching conditions set (no login name defined).

Template variables: wish_result, search


Definition at line 296 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.getWishListUsers (  ) 

Returns a list of users which were found according to search condition. If no users were found - false is returned

oxlist | bool

Definition at line 320 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.getWishListSearchParam (  ) 

Returns wish list search parameter


Definition at line 330 of file account_wishlist.php.

Member Data Documentation

Account_Wishlist.$_sThisTemplate = 'account_wishlist.tpl' [protected]

Reimplemented from Account.

Definition at line 19 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.$_blShowSuggest = null [protected]

Definition at line 26 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.$_oWishList = null [protected]

Definition at line 33 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.$_aRecommList = null [protected]

Definition at line 40 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.$_oEditval = null [protected]

Definition at line 47 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.$_iSendWishList = null [protected]

Definition at line 54 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.$_sSearchParam = null [protected]

Reimplemented from Account.

Definition at line 61 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.$_oWishListUsers = false [protected]

Definition at line 68 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.$_blEmailSent = false [protected]

Definition at line 75 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.$_aEditValues = false [protected]

Definition at line 82 of file account_wishlist.php.

Account_Wishlist.$_iViewIndexState = VIEW_INDEXSTATE_NOINDEXNOFOLLOW [protected]

Current view search engine indexing state: VIEW_INDEXSTATE_INDEX - index without limitations VIEW_INDEXSTATE_NOINDEXNOFOLLOW - no index / no follow VIEW_INDEXSTATE_NOINDEXFOLLOW - no index / follow

Reimplemented from Account.

Definition at line 89 of file account_wishlist.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Wed Apr 22 12:26:47 2009 for OXID eShop CE by  doxygen 1.5.5