Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes

Account Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Account:
Collaboration diagram for Account:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 render ()
 confirmTerms ()
 getNavigationParams ()
 redirectAfterLogin ()
 getOrderCnt ()
 getArticleId ()
 getSearchParamForHtml ()
 getSearchParam ()
 getSearchCatId ()
 getSearchVendor ()
 getSearchManufacturer ()
 getListType ()

Protected Member Functions

 _getLoginTemplate ()

Protected Attributes

 $_iOrderCnt = null
 $_sArticleId = null
 $_sSearchParamForHtml = null
 $_sSearchParam = null
 $_sSearchCatId = null
 $_sSearchVendor = null
 $_sSearchManufacturer = null
 $_sListType = null
 $_sThisTemplate = 'account_main.tpl'
 $_sThisLoginTemplate = 'account_login.tpl'
 $_sThisAltLoginTemplate = 'account_login_alt.tpl'
 $_blTop5Action = true
 $_blBargainAction = true

Detailed Description

Current user "My account" window. When user is logged in arranges "My account" window, by creating links to user details, order review, notice list, wish list. There is a link for logging out. Template includes Topoffer , bargain boxes. OXID eShop -> MY ACCOUNT.

Definition at line 10 of file account.php.

Member Function Documentation

Account._getLoginTemplate (  )  [protected]

Returns login template name:

  • if "login" feature is on returns $this->_sThisAltLoginTemplate
  • else returns $this->_sThisLoginTemplate

Definition at line 151 of file account.php.

Account.confirmTerms (  ) 

Return the active article id

string | bool

Definition at line 161 of file account.php.

Account.getArticleId (  ) 

Return the active article id

string | bool

Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Definition at line 240 of file account.php.

Account.getListType (  ) 

Template variable getter. Returns list type


Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Definition at line 338 of file account.php.

Account.getNavigationParams (  ) 

Returns array from parent.getNavigationParams(). If current request contains "sourcecl" and "anid" parameters - appends array with this data. Array is used to fill forms and append shop urls with actual state parameters


Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Reimplemented in Account_Recommlist.

Definition at line 174 of file account.php.

Account.getOrderCnt (  ) 

changes default template for compare in popup


Definition at line 224 of file account.php.

Account.getSearchCatId (  ) 

Template variable getter. Returns searched category id


Definition at line 288 of file account.php.

Account.getSearchManufacturer (  ) 

Template variable getter. Returns searched Manufacturer id


Definition at line 321 of file account.php.

Account.getSearchParam (  ) 

Template variable getter. Returns search parameter


Definition at line 272 of file account.php.

Account.getSearchParamForHtml (  ) 

Template variable getter. Returns search parameter for Html


Definition at line 256 of file account.php.

Account.getSearchVendor (  ) 

Template variable getter. Returns searched vendor id


Definition at line 304 of file account.php.

Account.redirectAfterLogin (  ) 

For some user actions (like writing guestbook entry or product review) user must be logged in. So e.g. in product details page there is a link leading to current view. Link contains parameter "sourcecl", which tells where to redirect after successfull login. If this parameter is defined and oxcmp_user.getLoginStatus() == USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS (means user has just logged in) then user is redirected back to source view.


Definition at line 201 of file account.php.

Account.render (  ) 

Loads action articles. If user is logged and returns name of template to render account._sThisTemplate

Template variables: searchparam, searchparamforhtml, searchcnid, searchvendor, listtype, searchmanufacturer

string $_sThisTemplate current template file name

Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Reimplemented in Account_Newsletter, Account_Noticelist, Account_Order, Account_Password, Account_Recommlist, Account_User, and Account_Wishlist.

Definition at line 108 of file account.php.

Member Data Documentation

Account.$_blBargainAction = true [protected]

Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Definition at line 95 of file account.php.

Account.$_blTop5Action = true [protected]

Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Definition at line 89 of file account.php.

Account.$_iOrderCnt = null [protected]

Definition at line 16 of file account.php.

Account.$_iViewIndexState = VIEW_INDEXSTATE_NOINDEXNOFOLLOW [protected]

Current view search engine indexing state: VIEW_INDEXSTATE_INDEX - index without limitations VIEW_INDEXSTATE_NOINDEXNOFOLLOW - no index / no follow VIEW_INDEXSTATE_NOINDEXFOLLOW - no index / follow

Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Reimplemented in Account_Noticelist, and Account_Wishlist.

Definition at line 83 of file account.php.

Account.$_sArticleId = null [protected]

Definition at line 22 of file account.php.

Account.$_sListType = null [protected]

Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Definition at line 58 of file account.php.

Account.$_sSearchCatId = null [protected]

Definition at line 40 of file account.php.

Account.$_sSearchManufacturer = null [protected]

Definition at line 52 of file account.php.

Account.$_sSearchParam = null [protected]

Reimplemented in Account_Wishlist.

Definition at line 34 of file account.php.

Account.$_sSearchParamForHtml = null [protected]

Definition at line 28 of file account.php.

Account.$_sSearchVendor = null [protected]

Definition at line 46 of file account.php.

Account.$_sThisAltLoginTemplate = 'account_login_alt.tpl' [protected]

Definition at line 76 of file account.php.

Account.$_sThisLoginTemplate = 'account_login.tpl' [protected]

Definition at line 70 of file account.php.

Account.$_sThisTemplate = 'account_main.tpl' [protected]

Reimplemented from oxView.

Reimplemented in Account_Newsletter, Account_Noticelist, Account_Order, Account_Password, Account_Recommlist, Account_User, and Account_Wishlist.

Definition at line 64 of file account.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: