Base view class. Collects and passes data to template engine, sets some global configuration parameters.
Definition at line 7 of file oxview.php.
oxView._executeNewAction | ( | $ | sNewAction | ) | [protected] |
Formats header for new controller action
Input example: "view_name?param1=val1¶m2=val2" => "cl=view_name¶m1=val1¶m2=val2"
string | $sNewAction new action params |
Definition at line 507 of file oxview.php.
oxView._setAdditionalParams | ( | ) | [protected] |
Sets additional parameters: cl, searchparam, searchcnid, searchvendor, searchmanufacturer, cnid.
Template variables: additionalparams
Definition at line 250 of file oxview.php.
oxView.addGlobalParams | ( | $ | oShop = null |
) |
Sets and caches default parameters for shop object and returns it.
Template variables: isdemoversion, shop, isdemoversion, version, iShopID_TrustedShops, urlsign
oxShop | $oShop current shop object |
Reimplemented in oxAdminView, and oxUBase.
Definition at line 188 of file oxview.php.
oxView.addTplParam | ( | $ | sPara, | |
$ | sValue | |||
) |
Sets value to parameter used by template engine.
string | $sPara name of parameter to pass | |
string | $sValue value of parameter |
Definition at line 234 of file oxview.php.
oxView.executeFunction | ( | $ | sFunction | ) |
Executes method (creates class and then executes). Returns executed function result.
string | $sFunction name of function to execute |
oxSystemComponentException | system component exception |
Definition at line 473 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getActCategory | ( | ) |
Returns active category set by categories component; if category is not set by component - will create category object and will try to load by id passed by request
Reimplemented in Article_Seo.
Definition at line 752 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getActionClassName | ( | ) |
Returns name of a view class, which will be active for an action (given a generic fnc, e.g. logout)
Reimplemented in Thankyou.
Definition at line 822 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getAdditionalParams | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns additional params for url
Reimplemented in oxUBase, RecommList, and Review.
Definition at line 549 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getBelboonParam | ( | ) |
oxView.getCategoryId | ( | ) |
oxView.getCharSet | ( | ) |
oxView.getClassLocation | ( | ) |
oxView.getClassName | ( | ) |
oxView.getErrorDestination | ( | ) |
Returns a name of the view variable containing the error/exception messages
Reimplemented in Basket.
Definition at line 812 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getFbUserId | ( | ) |
oxView.getFncName | ( | ) |
oxView.getIsComponent | ( | ) |
oxView.getParent | ( | ) |
oxView.getRevision | ( | ) |
oxView.getShopEdition | ( | ) |
oxView.getShopFullEdition | ( | ) |
oxView.getShopLogo | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns shop logo
Definition at line 728 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getShopVersion | ( | ) |
oxView.getTemplateName | ( | ) |
Returns current view template file name
Reimplemented in aList, and Info.
Definition at line 291 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getThisAction | ( | ) |
oxView.getTrustedShopId | ( | ) |
oxView.getTSExcellenceId | ( | ) |
Returns shop id in trusted shops if excellence product is ordered
Definition at line 589 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getViewConfig | ( | ) |
oxView.getViewData | ( | ) |
oxView.getViewDataElement | ( | $ | sParamId = null |
) |
Get view data single array element
string | $sParamId view data array key |
Definition at line 369 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getViewId | ( | ) |
Returns view ID (currently it returns NULL)
Reimplemented in dyn_affiliwelt, dyn_econda, dyn_interface, dyn_ipayment, dyn_trusted, dyn_trusted_ratings, DynExportBase, Dynscreen, Efire, Login, oxAdminView, aList, Content, Details, oxUBase, and Review.
Definition at line 161 of file oxview.php.
oxView.init | ( | ) |
Initiates all components stored, executes oxview.addGlobalParams.
Reimplemented in Adminlinks_List, Attribute_List, Category_List, Delivery_List, DeliverySet_List, Discount_List, Gui, List_User, Manufacturer_List, News_List, oxAdminList, oxAdminView, SelectList_List, Shop_List, User_List, Vendor_List, Wrapping_List, Details, order, oxcmp_basket, oxcmp_categories, oxcmp_cur, oxcmp_lang, oxcmp_user, oxUBase, Payment, RecommAdd, Review, Rss, Search, and Thankyou.
Definition at line 145 of file oxview.php.
oxView.isConnectedWithFb | ( | ) |
Checks if user is connected via Facebook connect
Definition at line 832 of file oxview.php.
oxView.isDemoShop | ( | ) |
oxView.isDemoVersion | ( | ) |
oxView.render | ( | ) |
Returns name of template to render
Reimplemented in Actions_List, Actions_Main, AdminGuestbook_List, Adminguestbook_Main, Adminlinks_Main, Article_Attribute, Article_Crossselling, Article_Extend, Article_List, Article_Main, Article_Overview, Article_Pictures, Article_Review, Article_Seo, Article_Stock, Article_Userdef, Article_Variant, Attribute_Category, Attribute_Main, Category_List, Category_Main, Category_Order, Category_Pictures, Category_Seo, Category_Text, Content_List, Content_Main, Country_List, Country_Main, Delivery_Articles, Delivery_Main, Delivery_Users, DeliverySet_Main, DeliverySet_Payment, DeliverySet_Users, Discount_Articles, Discount_Main, Discount_Users, dyn_adbutler, dyn_affili24, dyn_affilinet, dyn_affiliwelt, dyn_econda, dyn_ipayment, dyn_superclix, dyn_trusted, dyn_trusted_ratings, DynExportBase, Dynscreen_List, EFire_Downloader, EFire_List, GenExport_Main, GenImport_Main, Gui, Language_List, Language_Main, List_Order, List_Review, List_User, Login, Manufacturer_Main, Manufacturer_Seo, Navigation, News_Main, News_Text, Newsletter_Main, Newsletter_Plain, Newsletter_Preview, Newsletter_Selection, Newsletter_Send, Object_Seo, Order_Address, Order_Article, Order_List, Order_Main, Order_Overview, Order_Package, Order_Remark, oxAdminDetails, oxAdminList, oxAdminView, Payment_Country, Payment_Main, Payment_Overview, PriceAlarm_List, PriceAlarm_Mail, PriceAlarm_Main, PriceAlarm_Send, SelectList_Main, Shop, Shop_Config, Shop_License, Shop_List, Shop_Main, Shop_Seo, Shop_System, Statistic_Main, Statistic_Service, sysreq_main, SystemInfo, Tools, Tools_Main, User_Address, User_Article, User_Extend, User_Main, User_Overview, User_Payment, User_Remark, UserGroup_List, UserGroup_Main, Vendor_Main, Vendor_Seo, VoucherSerie_Groups, VoucherSerie_Main, Wrapping_List, Wrapping_Main, Account, Account_Newsletter, Account_Noticelist, Account_Order, Account_Password, Account_Recommlist, Account_User, Account_Wishlist, aList, Basket, Compare, Contact, Content, Details, ForgotPwd, GuestBook, Help, Info, Invite, Links, ManufacturerList, MoreDetails, News, Newsletter, order, oxcmp_basket, oxcmp_categories, oxcmp_cur, oxcmp_lang, oxcmp_news, oxcmp_shop, oxcmp_user, oxcmp_utils, oxStart, oxUBase, Payment, Pricealarm, RecommList, Register, Review, Rss, Search, Start, Suggest, Tag, Tags, Thankyou, Tpl, User, VendorList, Wishlist, and Wrapping.
Definition at line 170 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setActCategory | ( | $ | oCategory | ) |
Active category setter
oxcategory | $oCategory active category |
Definition at line 776 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setCategoryId | ( | $ | sCategoryId | ) |
Category ID setter
string | $sCategoryId Id of category to cache |
Definition at line 802 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setClassLocation | ( | $ | sClassLocation = null |
) |
Set location of a executed class file
string | $sClassLocation location of a executed class file |
Definition at line 383 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setClassName | ( | $ | sClassName | ) |
Current view class name setter.
string | $sClassName current view class name |
Definition at line 303 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setFncName | ( | $ | sFncName | ) |
Set current view action function name
string | $sFncName action function name |
Definition at line 325 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setIsComponent | ( | $ | blIsComponent = null |
) |
Set flag if this object is a component or not
bool | $blIsComponent flag if this object is a component |
Definition at line 448 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setParent | ( | $ | oParent = null |
) |
Set parent object. If this is a component we will have our parent view here.
object | $oParent parent object |
Definition at line 426 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setShopLogo | ( | $ | sLogo | ) |
Sets shop logo
string | $sLogo shop logo url |
Definition at line 740 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setShowNewsletter | ( | $ | blShow | ) |
Sets if to show newsletter
bool | $blShow if TRUE - newsletter subscription box will be shown |
Definition at line 718 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setThisAction | ( | $ | sThisAction = null |
) |
Set name of running class method
string | $sThisAction name of running class method |
Definition at line 404 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setViewData | ( | $ | aViewData = null |
) |
Set array of data that is passed to template engine - array( "varName" => "varValue")
array | $aViewData array of data that is passed to template engine |
Definition at line 347 of file oxview.php.
oxView.showFbConnectToAccountMsg | ( | ) |
Returns true if popup message about connecting your existing account to Facebook account must be shown
Definition at line 863 of file oxview.php.
oxView.showNewsletter | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns if newsletter can be displayed (for _right.tpl)
Definition at line 703 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_aViewData = array() [protected] |
Definition at line 14 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blDemoShop = null [protected] |
Definition at line 113 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blDemoVersion = null [protected] |
Definition at line 107 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blExecuted = false [static, protected] |
Definition at line 77 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blIsComponent = false [protected] |
Reimplemented in oxcmp_basket, oxcmp_categories, oxcmp_cur, oxcmp_lang, oxcmp_news, oxcmp_shop, oxcmp_user, and oxcmp_utils.
Definition at line 42 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_iNewsStatus = null [protected] |
Definition at line 119 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_oClickCat = null [protected] |
Definition at line 138 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_oParent = null [protected] |
Definition at line 35 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sCategoryId = null [protected] |
Definition at line 132 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sCharSet = null [protected] |
Definition at line 95 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sClass = null [protected] |
Definition at line 63 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sClassLocation = null [protected] |
Definition at line 21 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sFnc = null [protected] |
Definition at line 70 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sShopLogo = null [protected] |
Definition at line 125 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sThisAction = null [protected] |
Definition at line 28 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sThisTemplate = null [protected] |
Reimplemented in Actions, Actions_List, Admin_Content, Admin_Guestbook, Admin_Links, Admin_News, Admin_Newsletter, Admin_Order, Admin_Payment, Admin_Pricealarm, Admin_Start, Admin_User, Admin_Wrapping, AdminGuestbook_List, Adminlinks_List, Article, Attribute, Attribute_List, Category, Category_Update, Country, Delivery, Delivery_List, DeliverySet, DeliverySet_List, Discount, Discount_List, DynExportBase, Dynscreen, Dynscreen_Local, Efire, EFire_Downloader, GenExport_Do, GenExport_Main, GenImport, GenImport_Main, Gui, Language, Manufacturer, Manufacturer_List, News_List, Newsletter_List, oxAdminView, Payment_List, SelectList, SelectList_List, Shop_Config, Shop_License, Shop_Performance, Shop_System, Statistic, Statistic_List, sysreq, sysreq_list, Tools_List, User_List, UserGroup, Vendor, Vendor_List, VoucherSerie, VoucherSerie_List, Account, Account_Newsletter, Account_Noticelist, Account_Order, Account_Password, Account_Recommlist, Account_User, Account_Wishlist, aList, Basket, Compare, Contact, Content, Details, ForgotPwd, GuestBook, GuestbookEntry, Help, Invite, Links, MoreDetails, News, Newsletter, order, Payment, Pricealarm, RecommAdd, RecommList, Register, Review, Rss, Search, Start, Suggest, Tags, Thankyou, User, Wishlist, and Wrapping.
Definition at line 49 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sTrustedShopId = null [protected] |
Definition at line 83 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sTSExcellenceId = null [protected] |
Definition at line 89 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sVersion = null [protected] |
Definition at line 101 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sViewId = null [protected] |
Definition at line 56 of file oxview.php.