Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Static Protected Attributes

oxAdminView Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oxAdminView:
Collaboration diagram for oxAdminView:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ()
 init ()
 addGlobalParams ($oShop=null)
 getServiceUrl ($sLangAbbr=null)
 render ()
 save ()
 resetContentCache ($blForceReset=null)
 resetCounter ($sCounterType, $sValue=null)
 getNavigation ()
 getViewId ()
 chshp ()
 resetSeoData ($sShopId)
 getPreviewId ()
 getEditObjectId ()
 setEditObjectId ($sId)

Protected Member Functions

 _getEditShop ($sShopId)
 _getServiceProtocol ()
 _getShopVersionNr ()
 _setupNavigation ($sNode)
 _addNavigationHistory ($sNode)
 _getMaxUploadFileInfo ($iMaxFileSize, $blFormatted=false)
 _resetContentCache ()
 _allowAdminEdit ($sUserId)
 _getCountryByCode ($sCountryCode)
 _authorize ()

Protected Attributes

 $_sThisTemplate = null
 $_iDefEdit = 0
 $_iEditLang = 0
 $_sShopTitle = " - "
 $_sShopVersion = null
 $_sServiceUrl = null
 $_oEditShop = null
 $_sEditObjectId = null

Static Protected Attributes

static $_oNaviTree = null
static $_sAuthUserRights = null

Detailed Description

Main "view" class. Organizes multilanguage, parameters fetching, DB managing, file checking and processing, etc.

Definition at line 8 of file oxadminview.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oxAdminView.__construct (  ) 

Creates oxshop object and loads shop data, sets title of shop

Reimplemented from oxSuperCfg.

Reimplemented in Diagnostics_Main, DynExportBase, Login, Module_Config, and VoucherSerie_Export.

Definition at line 96 of file oxadminview.php.

Member Function Documentation

oxAdminView._addNavigationHistory ( sNode  )  [protected]

Store navigation history parameters to cookie

string $sNode active view id

Definition at line 297 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView._allowAdminEdit ( sUserId  )  [protected]

Checks if current $sUserId user is not an admin and checks if user is able to be edited by logged in user. This method does not perform full rights check.

string $sUserId user id

Definition at line 473 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView._authorize (  )  [protected]

performs authorization of admin user


Reimplemented in Login.

Definition at line 523 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView._getCountryByCode ( sCountryCode  )  [protected]

Get english country name by country iso alpha 2 code

string $sCountryCode Country code

Definition at line 487 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView._getEditShop ( sShopId  )  [protected]

Returns (cached) shop object

object $sShopId shop id

Definition at line 117 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView._getMaxUploadFileInfo ( iMaxFileSize,
blFormatted = false 
) [protected]

Returns maximum allowed size of upload file and formatted size equivalent

int $iMaxFileSize recommended maximum size of file (normalu value is taken from php ini, otherwise sets 2MB)
bool $blFormatted Return formated

Definition at line 370 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView._getServiceProtocol (  )  [protected]

Returns service url protocol: "https" is admin works in ssl mode, "http" if no ssl


Definition at line 205 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView._getShopVersionNr (  )  [protected]

Returns shop version


Definition at line 249 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView._resetContentCache (  )  [protected]

Resets cache.

Definition at line 461 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView._setupNavigation ( sNode  )  [protected]

Sets-up navigation parameters

string $sNode active view id

Reimplemented in Newsletter_Send, oxAdminDetails, oxAdminList, and PriceAlarm_Send.

Definition at line 268 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.addGlobalParams ( oShop = null  ) 

Sets some global parameters to Smarty engine (such as self link, etc.), returns modified shop object.

object $oShop Object to modify some parameters

Reimplemented from oxView.

Definition at line 166 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.chshp (  ) 

Changing active shop

Reimplemented in Navigation.

Definition at line 561 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.getEditObjectId (  ) 

Returns active/editable object id


Reimplemented in Shop_Config.

Definition at line 601 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.getNavigation (  ) 

Returns navigation object


Definition at line 537 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.getPreviewId (  ) 

Returns id which is used for product preview in shop during administration


Definition at line 591 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.getServiceUrl ( sLangAbbr = null  ) 

Returns service URL

string $sLangAbbr language abbr.

Definition at line 217 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.getViewId (  ) 

Current view ID getter helps to identify navigation position


Reimplemented from oxView.

Reimplemented in dyn_econda, dyn_interface, dyn_trusted, dyn_trusted_ratings, DynExportBase, Dynscreen, Login, and VoucherSerie_Main.

Definition at line 551 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.init (  ) 

Sets some shop configuration parameters (such as language), creates some list object (depends on subclass) and executes parent method parent.Init().

Reimplemented from oxView.

Reimplemented in List_User, and Shop_List.

Definition at line 137 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.render (  ) 

Executes parent method parent.render(), passes configuration data to Smarty engine.


Reimplemented from oxView.

Reimplemented in Actions_List, Actions_Main, AdminGuestbook_List, Adminguestbook_Main, Adminlinks_Main, Article_Attribute, Article_Crossselling, Article_Extend, Article_Files, Article_List, Article_Main, Article_Overview, Article_Pictures, Article_Review, Article_Stock, Article_Userdef, Article_Variant, Attribute_Category, Attribute_Main, Category_List, Category_Order, Category_Pictures, Category_Text, Content_List, Content_Main, Country_List, Country_Main, Delivery_Articles, Delivery_Main, Delivery_Users, DeliverySet_Main, DeliverySet_Payment, DeliverySet_Users, Diagnostics_Main, Discount_Articles, Discount_Main, Discount_Users, dyn_econda, dyn_trusted, dyn_trusted_ratings, DynExportBase, Dynscreen_List, GenExport_Main, GenImport_Main, Language_List, Language_Main, List_Order, List_Review, List_User, Login, Manufacturer_Main, Module, Module_Config, Module_List, Module_Main, Module_SortList, News_Main, News_Text, Newsletter_Main, Newsletter_Plain, Newsletter_Preview, Newsletter_Selection, Newsletter_Send, Object_Seo, Order_Address, Order_Article, Order_Downloads, Order_List, Order_Overview, Order_Package, Order_Remark, oxAdminDetails, oxAdminList, Payment_Country, Payment_Main, PriceAlarm_Mail, PriceAlarm_Main, PriceAlarm_Send, SelectList_Main, Shop, Shop_Config, Shop_List, Shop_Main, Shop_Seo, Shop_System, Statistic_Main, Statistic_Service, sysreq_main, SystemInfo, Theme, Theme_Config, Theme_List, Theme_Main, Tools, Tools_Main, User_Address, User_Article, User_Extend, User_List, User_Main, User_Overview, User_Payment, User_Remark, UserGroup_List, UserGroup_Main, Vendor_Main, VoucherSerie_Groups, VoucherSerie_Main, Wrapping_List, and Wrapping_Main.

Definition at line 320 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.resetContentCache ( blForceReset = null  ) 

Reset output cache

bool $blForceReset if true, forces reset

Definition at line 415 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.resetCounter ( sCounterType,
sValue = null 

Resets counters values from cache. Resets price category articles, category articles, vendor articles, manufacturer articles count.

string $sCounterType counter type
string $sValue reset value

Definition at line 434 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.resetSeoData ( sShopId  ) 

Marks seo entires as expired, cleans up tag clouds cache

string $sShopId Shop id

Definition at line 573 of file oxadminview.php. (  ) 
oxAdminView.setEditObjectId ( sId  ) 

Sets editable object id

string $sId object id

Definition at line 617 of file oxadminview.php.

Member Data Documentation

oxAdminView.$_aSumType [protected]
Initial value:
        0 => 'abs',
        1 => '%',
        2 => 'itm'

Definition at line 16 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.$_iDefEdit = 0 [protected]

Reimplemented in Admin_Pricealarm, and PriceAlarm_Send.

Definition at line 35 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.$_iEditLang = 0 [protected]

Definition at line 49 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.$_oEditShop = null [protected]

Active shop object


Definition at line 84 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.$_oNaviTree = null [static, protected]

Definition at line 42 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.$_sAuthUserRights = null [static, protected]

Definition at line 77 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.$_sEditObjectId = null [protected]

Definition at line 91 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.$_sServiceUrl = null [protected]

Definition at line 70 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.$_sShopTitle = " - " [protected]

Definition at line 56 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.$_sShopVersion = null [protected]

Definition at line 63 of file oxadminview.php.

oxAdminView.$_sThisTemplate = null [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: