Base view class. Collects and passes data to template engine, sets some global configuration parameters.
Definition at line 7 of file oxview.php.
oxView._executeNewAction | ( | $ | sNewAction | ) | [protected] |
Formats header for new controller action
Input example: "view_name?param1=val1¶m2=val2" => "cl=view_name¶m1=val1¶m2=val2"
string | $sNewAction new action params |
Definition at line 528 of file oxview.php.
oxView.addGlobalParams | ( | $ | oShop = null |
) |
Sets and caches default parameters for shop object and returns it.
Template variables: isdemoversion, shop, isdemoversion, version, iShopID_TrustedShops, urlsign
oxShop | $oShop current shop object |
Reimplemented in oxAdminView, and oxUBase.
Definition at line 253 of file oxview.php.
oxView.addTplParam | ( | $ | sPara, | |
$ | sValue | |||
) |
Sets value to parameter used by template engine.
string | $sPara name of parameter to pass | |
string | $sValue value of parameter |
Definition at line 277 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getActCategory | ( | ) |
Returns active category set by categories component; if category is not set by component - will create category object and will try to load by id passed by request
Reimplemented in Article_Seo.
Definition at line 841 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getActionClassName | ( | ) |
Returns name of a view class, which will be active for an action (given a generic fnc, e.g. logout)
Reimplemented in Thankyou.
Definition at line 905 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getAdditionalParams | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns additional params for url
Reimplemented in oxUBase, RecommList, and Review.
Definition at line 569 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getBelboonParam | ( | ) |
oxView.getCategoryId | ( | ) |
oxView.getCharSet | ( | ) |
oxView.getClassLocation | ( | ) |
oxView.getClassName | ( | ) |
oxView.getErrorDestination | ( | ) |
Returns a name of the view variable containing the error/exception messages
Reimplemented in Basket.
Definition at line 895 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getFbUserId | ( | ) |
oxView.getFncName | ( | ) |
oxView.getIsCallForCache | ( | ) |
Get cache sign to enable/disable use of cache
Definition at line 218 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getIsComponent | ( | ) |
oxView.getPackageInfo | ( | ) |
oxView.getParent | ( | ) |
oxView.getRevision | ( | ) |
oxView.getShopEdition | ( | ) |
oxView.getShopFullEdition | ( | ) |
oxView.getShopLogo | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns shop logo from config option
Definition at line 813 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getShopVersion | ( | ) |
oxView.getSidForWidget | ( | ) |
Returns session ID, but only in case it is needed to be included for widget calls. This basically happens on session change, when session cookie is not equals to the actual session ID.
Definition at line 989 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getTemplateName | ( | ) |
Returns current view template file name
Reimplemented in aList.
Definition at line 318 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getThisAction | ( | ) |
oxView.getTrustedShopId | ( | ) |
oxView.getTSExcellenceId | ( | ) |
Returns shop id in trusted shops if excellence product is ordered
Definition at line 610 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getViewConfig | ( | ) |
oxView.getViewData | ( | ) |
oxView.getViewDataElement | ( | $ | sParamId = null |
) |
Get view data single array element
string | $sParamId view data array key |
Definition at line 400 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getViewId | ( | ) |
Returns view ID (currently it returns NULL)
Reimplemented in dyn_econda, dyn_interface, dyn_trusted, dyn_trusted_ratings, DynExportBase, Dynscreen, Login, oxAdminView, VoucherSerie_Main, aList, Content, Details, oxUBase, and Review.
Definition at line 226 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getViewParameter | ( | $ | sKey | ) |
Get parameters to controllers
string | $sKey parameter key |
Definition at line 196 of file oxview.php.
oxView.init | ( | ) |
Initiates all components stored, executes oxView.addGlobalParams.
Reimplemented in oxcmp_basket, oxcmp_categories, oxcmp_cur, oxcmp_user, oxWidget, List_User, oxAdminView, Shop_List, Download, order, oxUBase, Payment, Review, and Thankyou.
Definition at line 168 of file oxview.php.
oxView.isBetaVersion | ( | ) |
oxView.isConnectedWithFb | ( | ) |
Checks if user is connected via Facebook connect
Definition at line 915 of file oxview.php.
oxView.isDemoShop | ( | ) |
oxView.isDemoVersion | ( | ) |
oxView.isMall | ( | ) |
oxView.isRCVersion | ( | ) |
Returns if current shop is release candidate version.
Definition at line 741 of file oxview.php.
oxView.render | ( | ) |
Returns name of template to render
Reimplemented in oxcmp_basket, oxcmp_categories, oxcmp_cur, oxcmp_lang, oxcmp_news, oxcmp_shop, oxcmp_user, oxcmp_utils, oxwArticleBox, oxwCategoryTree, oxwCookieNote, oxwRating, oxwReview, Account, Account_Newsletter, Account_Noticelist, Account_Order, Account_Password, Account_Recommlist, Account_User, Account_Wishlist, Actions_List, Actions_Main, AdminGuestbook_List, Adminguestbook_Main, Adminlinks_Main, Article_Attribute, Article_Crossselling, Article_Extend, Article_Files, Article_List, Article_Main, Article_Overview, Article_Pictures, Article_Review, Article_Stock, Article_Userdef, Article_Variant, Attribute_Category, Attribute_Main, Category_List, Category_Order, Category_Pictures, Category_Text, Content_List, Content_Main, Country_List, Country_Main, Delivery_Articles, Delivery_Main, Delivery_Users, DeliverySet_Main, DeliverySet_Payment, DeliverySet_Users, Diagnostics_Main, Discount_Articles, Discount_Main, Discount_Users, dyn_econda, dyn_trusted, dyn_trusted_ratings, DynExportBase, Dynscreen_List, GenExport_Main, GenImport_Main, Language_List, Language_Main, List_Order, List_Review, List_User, Login, Manufacturer_Main, Module, Module_Config, Module_List, Module_Main, Module_SortList, News_Main, News_Text, Newsletter_Main, Newsletter_Plain, Newsletter_Preview, Newsletter_Selection, Newsletter_Send, Object_Seo, Order_Address, Order_Article, Order_Downloads, Order_List, Order_Overview, Order_Package, Order_Remark, oxAdminDetails, oxAdminList, oxAdminView, Payment_Country, Payment_Main, PriceAlarm_Mail, PriceAlarm_Main, PriceAlarm_Send, SelectList_Main, Shop, Shop_Config, Shop_List, Shop_Main, Shop_Seo, Shop_System, Statistic_Main, Statistic_Service, sysreq_main, SystemInfo, Theme, Theme_Config, Theme_List, Theme_Main, Tools, Tools_Main, User_Address, User_Article, User_Extend, User_List, User_Main, User_Overview, User_Payment, User_Remark, UserGroup_List, UserGroup_Main, Vendor_Main, VoucherSerie_Groups, VoucherSerie_Main, Wrapping_List, Wrapping_Main, aList, Basket, ClearCookies, Content, Details, GuestBook, Invite, ManufacturerList, order, oxUBase, Payment, RecommAdd, Register, Review, Rss, Search, Start, Tag, Tags, Thankyou, Tpl, User, and VendorList.
Definition at line 235 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setActCategory | ( | $ | oCategory | ) |
Active category setter
oxCategory | $oCategory active category |
Definition at line 863 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setCategoryId | ( | $ | sCategoryId | ) |
Category ID setter
string | $sCategoryId Id of category to cache |
Definition at line 887 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setClassLocation | ( | $ | sClassLocation = null |
) |
Set location of a executed class file
string | $sClassLocation location of a executed class file |
Definition at line 412 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setClassName | ( | $ | sClassName | ) |
Current view class name setter.
string | $sClassName current view class name |
Definition at line 338 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setFncName | ( | $ | sFncName | ) |
Set current view action function name
string | $sFncName action function name |
Definition at line 358 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setIsCallForCache | ( | $ | blIsCallForCache = null |
) |
Set cache sign to enable/disable use of cache
bool | $blIsCallForCache cache sign to enable/disable use of cache |
Definition at line 208 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setIsComponent | ( | $ | blIsComponent = null |
) |
Set flag if this object is a component or not
bool | $blIsComponent flag if this object is a component |
Definition at line 472 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setParent | ( | $ | oParent = null |
) |
Set parent object. If this is a component we will have our parent view here.
object | $oParent parent object |
Definition at line 452 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setShopLogo | ( | $ | sLogo | ) |
Sets shop logo
string | $sLogo shop logo url |
Definition at line 829 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setShowNewsletter | ( | $ | blShow | ) |
Sets if to show newsletter
bool | $blShow if TRUE - newsletter subscription box will be shown |
Definition at line 801 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setTemplateName | ( | $ | sTemplate | ) |
Sets current view template file name
string | $sTemplate template name |
Definition at line 328 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setThisAction | ( | $ | sThisAction = null |
) |
Set name of running class method
string | $sThisAction name of running class method |
Definition at line 432 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setViewData | ( | $ | aViewData = null |
) |
Set array of data that is passed to template engine - array( "varName" => "varValue")
array | $aViewData array of data that is passed to template engine |
Definition at line 378 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setViewParameters | ( | $ | aParams = null |
) |
Add parameters to controllers
array | $aParams view parameters array. |
Definition at line 184 of file oxview.php.
oxView.showBetaNote | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns if beta note can be displayed (for header.tpl)
Definition at line 757 of file oxview.php.
oxView.showFbConnectToAccountMsg | ( | ) |
Returns true if popup message about connecting your existing account to Facebook account must be shown
Definition at line 948 of file oxview.php.
oxView.showNewsletter | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns if newsletter can be displayed (for _right.tpl)
Definition at line 787 of file oxview.php.
oxView.showRdfa | ( | ) |
Returns if page has rdfa
Reimplemented in Content, and Details.
Definition at line 976 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_aViewData = array() [protected] |
Definition at line 15 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blDemoShop = null [protected] |
Definition at line 120 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blDemoVersion = null [protected] |
Definition at line 113 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blExecuted = false [static, protected] |
Definition at line 78 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blIsCallForCache = false [protected] |
Definition at line 155 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blIsComponent = false [protected] |
Reimplemented in oxcmp_basket, oxcmp_categories, oxcmp_cur, oxcmp_lang, oxcmp_news, oxcmp_shop, oxcmp_user, and oxcmp_utils.
Definition at line 43 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_iNewsStatus = null [protected] |
Definition at line 127 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_oClickCat = null [protected] |
Definition at line 148 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_oParent = null [protected] |
Definition at line 36 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_oViewConf = null [protected] |
Definition at line 162 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sCategoryId = null [protected] |
Definition at line 141 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sCharSet = null [protected] |
Definition at line 99 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sClass = null [protected] |
Definition at line 64 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sClassLocation = null [protected] |
Definition at line 22 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sFnc = null [protected] |
Definition at line 71 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sShopLogo = null [protected] |
Definition at line 134 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sThisAction = null [protected] |
Definition at line 29 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sThisTemplate = null [protected] |
Reimplemented in oxwArticleDetails, oxwBetaNote, oxwCategoryTree, oxwCookieNote, oxwCurrencyList, oxwInformation, oxwLanguageList, oxwManufacturerList, oxwMiniBasket, oxwRating, oxwRecommendation, oxwReview, oxwServiceList, oxwServiceMenu, oxwTagCloud, oxwVendorList, Account, Account_Downloads, Account_Newsletter, Account_Noticelist, Account_Order, Account_Password, Account_Recommlist, Account_User, Account_Wishlist, Actions, Actions_List, Admin_Content, Admin_Guestbook, Admin_Links, Admin_News, Admin_Newsletter, Admin_Order, Admin_Payment, Admin_Pricealarm, Admin_Start, Admin_User, Admin_Wrapping, AdminGuestbook_List, Adminlinks_List, Article, Article_Files, Attribute, Attribute_List, Category, Category_Update, Country, Delivery, Delivery_List, DeliverySet, DeliverySet_List, deliveryset_rdfa, Diagnostics, Diagnostics_List, Discount, Discount_List, DynExportBase, Dynscreen, Dynscreen_Local, GenExport_Do, GenExport_Main, GenImport, GenImport_Main, Language, Manufacturer, Manufacturer_List, News_List, Newsletter_List, oxAdminView, Payment_List, payment_rdfa, PriceAlarm_List, SelectList, SelectList_List, Shop_Config, Shop_License, Shop_Performance, shop_rdfa, Shop_System, Statistic, Statistic_List, sysreq, sysreq_list, Tools_List, User_List, UserGroup, Vendor, Vendor_List, VoucherSerie, VoucherSerie_Export, VoucherSerie_Generate, VoucherSerie_List, VoucherSerie_Main, aList, Basket, ClearCookies, Compare, Contact, Content, Details, ExceptionError, ForgotPwd, GuestBook, GuestbookEntry, Invite, Links, MoreDetails, News, Newsletter, order, Payment, Pricealarm, RecommAdd, RecommList, Register, Review, Rss, Search, Start, Suggest, Tags, Thankyou, User, Wishlist, and Wrapping.
Definition at line 50 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sTrustedShopId = null [protected] |
Definition at line 85 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sTSExcellenceId = null [protected] |
Definition at line 92 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sVersion = null [protected] |
Definition at line 106 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sViewId = null [protected] |
Definition at line 57 of file oxview.php.