
Uninstall module

To uninstall a module, use the following command:

./vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:uninstall <module-id>


Uninstall command does not remove files from the vendor directory.

Unless a module is removed via Composer, it can be installed via oe-console again.

Remove module

composer remove vendor/package

By executing the Composer command to remove a package, the OXID eShop Composer Plugin does a couple of steps to remove module information, if the package is of type oxideshop-module:

  • Deactivate the module if it is active.

  • Remove module configurations from shop configuration files.

  • Remove module classes from module chain.

  • Clear the cache.

  • Rebuild the Service Container.

After that, Composer will remove the module from the vendor directory and its autoloader.