Extending an active theme block

Learn how to extend or overwrite an active OXID eShop theme block.


Overwriting ‘mini basket’ actions

In the following example, replace the original mini basket display button with a new checkout button.

To accomplish this goal, extend widget_minibasket_total.html.twig.

Apex theme structure

├── apex // eShop theme
    └── tpl
        └── widget
            └── minibasket
                └── minibasket.html.twig // Location of the original widget

Module views structure

├── module-1 // The module where we want to extend the block
    └── views
        └── twig
            └── extensions
                └── themes
                    └── apex
                        └── widget
                            └── minibasket
                                └── minibasket.html.twig


  1. Extend widget/minibasket/minibasket.html.twig, then use dd_layout_page_header_icon_menu_minibasket_functions block to add the new button to minibasket.


For more information about Twig block and extends tags, see

{% extends 'widget/minibasket/minibasket.html.twig' %}

{% block dd_layout_page_header_icon_menu_minibasket_functions %}

    <a href="{{ seo_url({ ident: oViewConf.getSelfLink()|cat("cl=payment") }) }}" class="btn btn-outline-primary w-100">{{ translate({ ident: "CHECKOUT" }) }}

{% endblock %}
  1. (Re)activate the module.

  2. To make the basket actions visible, add at least one product to the basket.


The new button appears instead of the original one.

Extending ‘mini basket’ actions

In the following example, based on the previous example, keep the original button with the newly added button.

To do so, call the parent() method inside a block.

For more information about the method, see parent()).


Add the parent() method to minibasket.html.twig.

{% extends 'widget/minibasket/minibasket.html.twig' %}

{% block dd_layout_page_header_icon_menu_minibasket_functions %}

    {{ parent() }}

    <a href="{{ seo_url({ ident: oViewConf.getSelfLink()|cat("cl=payment") }) }}" class="btn btn-outline-primary w-100">{{ translate({ ident: "CHECKOUT" }) }}

{% endblock %}