New installation

Learn how to install OXID eShop.

To get the files required for the shop, use Composer, a dependency manager for PHP.

After that, run the web-based setup and install the shop as usual.

Setup, Step 1

Find the installation guide in English in the developer documentation under

Ensuring server und system requirements

Contents: server, shared hosting, managed server, server farm with load balancing and database cluster, Linux, web server, Apache 2.2 + 2.4, MySQL 5.7 + 8.0, MariaDB 10.4, PHP 8.0 + 8.1, Composer 2.7.7, Metadata 2.0 + 2.1, OpenSSL
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Preparing for installation

Contents: installing Composer, providing shop files, configuring Apache, customizing file and directory permissions, creating a database
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Running setup

Contents: web-based setup, checking system requirements, selecting main shipping country and shop’s language, license terms, database, database name, specifying database user and password, demo data, shop directories, defining login data for the Admin panel, shop administrator, entering license key (PE and EE)
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Setup via command line

Contents: setup via command line, oe:setup:shop, Datenbank, db-host, db-port, db-name, db-user, db-password, shop configuration, shop-url, shop-directory, compile-directory, language, oe:setup:demodata, demo datea, oe:admin:create-user, access data for administration panel, shop administrator, admin-email, admin-password, oe:license:add, oe:license:clear, license key for PE/EE, module installation, oe:module:install, oe:module:uninstall
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Completing installation

Contents: checking deletion of the setup directory, setting file and directory permissions, write permissions for /out/pictures, /out/media, /log, /export, /tmp, write protection for .htaccess,
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