

At this place, you can define, which controllers should be able to be called directly, e.g. from templates. You can define a routing of controller keys to module classes.


Associative array



'controllers'  => [
    'myvendor_mytestmodule_mymodulecontroller' => MyVendor\mytestmodule\MyModuleController::class,
    'myvendor_mytestmodule_myothermodulecontroller' => MyVendor\mytestmodule\MyOtherModuleController::class,

The key of this array * is a identifier (controller key) which should be unique over all OXID eShop modules. Use vendor id and module id for prefixing. * Take care you declare the keys always in lower case!

The value is the assigned class which should also be unique.

Now you can route requests to the module controller e.g. in a template:

<form action="[{$oViewConf->getSelfActionLink()}]" name="MyModuleControllerAction" method="post" role="form">
         <input type="hidden" name="cl" value="myvendor_mytestmodule_mymodulecontroller">
         <input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="displayMessage">
         <input type="text" size="10" maxlength="200" name="mymodule_message" value="[{$the_module_message}]">
         <button type="submit" id="MyModuleControllerActionButton" class="submitButton">[{oxmultilang ident="SUBMIT"}]</button>

If the controller key is not found within the shop or modules, it is assumed that the controller key is a class with this name. If there is no class with this name present, the OXID eShop will redirect to the shop front page.


If you want to have an endpoint in your module that can be accessed directly, You must use controllers to do it.

For example, in GraphQL module, we have GraphQL endpoint which has been created in src/Component/Widget, and also has been defined in the controller section in metadata.php as following:

'controllers' => [
    // Widget Controller
    'graphql' => OxidEsales\GraphQL\Base\Component\Widget\GraphQL::class,

Now we can access it via the following URL:
