OXID Codeception modules and helpers

“All actions and assertions that can be performed by the Tester object (AcceptanceTester $I) in a class are defined in modules. You can extend the testing suite with your own actions and assertions by writing them into a custom module.”

The Codeception documentation gives detailed information about how Codeception modules work and how you can create your own Codeception modules.

To be able to use a Codeception module in a test suite it should be registered in the respective suite configuration yaml file. In our case when writing Codeception tests for a module, this is the accceptance.suite.yml file.

        - <module_class_goes_here>

At the moment, following OXID’s Codeception helper modules are available:

Oxideshop Module

This module will be used for some common actions like clean up database, clear cache, wait for page load, waiting for ajax etc.


This codeception module needs the WebDriver and the Db module to be enabled as well. WebDriver and Db module are standard Codeception modules. They need some parameters like the shop url or database credentials to work. Parameters can be supplied in <myvendor>/<mymodule>/Tests/Codeception/Config/params.php.

        - \OxidEsales\Codeception\Module\Oxideshop:
              - WebDriver
              - Db
        - WebDriver:
            url: '%SHOP_URL%'
            browser: firefox
            port: '%SELENIUM_SERVER_PORT%'
            window_size: 1920x1080
            clear_cookies: true
        - Db:
            dsn: 'mysql:host=%DB_HOST%;dbname=%DB_NAME%;charset=utf8'
            user: '%DB_USERNAME%'
            password: '%DB_PASSWORD%'
            port: '%DB_PORT%'
            dump: '%DUMP_PATH%'
            mysql_config: '%MYSQL_CONFIG_PATH%'
            populate: true # run populator before all tests
            cleanup: true # run populator before each test
            populator: '%PHP_BIN% %VENDOR_PATH%/bin/reset-shop && mysql --defaults-file=$mysql_config --default-character-set=utf8 $dbname < $dump'

Database Module

This module will be used for changing configuration option values of the shop or deleting entries from the database. It requires the Codeception Db module.

        - \OxidEsales\Codeception\Module\Database:
            depends: Db

Translator Module

The OXID eShop themes are designed to be language independent. Instead of language specific text, the OXID language constants are used in templates and are translated when the shop renders the output. Withe the Translator module you can keep your tests language independent by supplying the expected OXID language constant rather than the final translation. The Translator Module needs the shop path and the theme as parameters.

        - \OxidEsales\Codeception\Module\Translation\TranslationsModule:
            shop_path: '%SHOP_SOURCE_PATH%'
            paths: 'Application/views/flow'

For example the following piece of test code would only work in german language

$I->see('Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht an');



is language independent and the recommended way to assert texts in a test.

Context Helper

This helper class is used for page status configuration and checking, like setting the active user or checking if a user is logged in or not.

Usage example in a test:


Fixtures Helper

With this helper class, test fixtures can be loaded during test bootstrap and used later while testing. Please register the bootstrap file in the codeception.yml file. In our example the _bootstrap.php is located in <vendor_name>/<module_name>/Tests/Codeception/Acceptance/_bootstrap.php.

    bootstrap: _bootstrap.php

Example for _bootstrap.php:

$helper = new \OxidEsales\Codeception\Module\FixturesHelper();

Let’s assume you’d like to have and additonal test user for your module so you add the following data into fixtures.php file.

return [
    'myUser' => [
        'oxid' => '_myuser',
        'oxfname' => 'Milo',
        'oxlname' => 'MyUser',
        'oxusername' => '[email protected]',
        'oxactive' => 1,
        'oxshopid' => 1,
        'oxstreet' => 'MeineStrasse',
        'oxstreetnr' => '56',
        'oxzip' => '79098',
        'oxcity' => 'Freiburg',
        'oxcountryid' => 'a7c40f631fc920687.20179984',
        'oxboni' => '600',
        'oxcreate' => date("Y-m-d"),
        'OXREGISTER' => date("Y-m-d"),
        'OXBIRTHDATE' => date("Y-m-d"),
        'oxpassword' => md5('myuser'),
        'OXRIGHTS' => 'user'
    'myUserPassword' => [
        'password' => 'myuser'

During test bootstrap, the fixture data is loaded and ready to be used. Either write it into database (you need the OXID Database Codeception module for this) in a Cest

$I->haveInDatabase('oxuser', \Codeception\Util\Fixtures::get('myUser'));

or access the data like

$password = \Codeception\Util\Fixtures::get('myUserPassword')['password'];