Module tests structure

Default Testing Library behavior is to run all tests which are defined in one of the following test classes and are based on PHPUnit.

  • AllTestsUnit

  • AllTestsIntegration

  • AllTestsSelenium

Unit and Integration are running by calling


Selenium tests are running by calling


Module tests

These classes define default directories to store tests for a module:

  • Unit

  • Integration

  • Acceptance

Possible structure of module tests:


Possible example in PayPal GitHub repository.

If you want to run only module tests, you should use these parameters in test_config.yml file:

module_ids = <moduleId-1>,<moduleId-2>
activate_all_modules = 1
run_tests_for_shop = 0
run_tests_for_modules = 1
additional_test_paths = ''

then run


For more information check testing library documentation


We also have the possibility to run shop acceptance tests based on codeception which is the recommended way to write acceptance tests for OXID eShop and modules. This will be explained in detail in Running Codeception Tests sections.