File and folder structure

To separate modules it is:
  • Required to give them a unique id.

Module structure in module repository

Possible structure of the module in the repository:

 └── <module_directory>
    ├── assets
    ├── migration
    ├── src
    .  ├── Controller
    .  ├── Model
    .  ├── orSomeDomain
    .  .  └── ...
    .  ...
    ├── tests
    .  ├── Codeception
    .  ├── Integration
    .  ├── Unit
    .  ├── PhpStan
    .  └── phpunit.xml
    ├── translations
    ├── views
       └── admin_twig
          └── ...
       └── twig
          └── ...
    ├── composer.json
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── metadata.php
    └── services.yaml

Language files


Watch a short video tutorial on YouTube: Module Translations.

Language files are not specified inside the metadata.php but searched by naming conventions inside the module directory.

Example language file:


  $sLangName = 'English';

  $aLang = array(
      'charset'                     => 'UTF-8',


UTF-8 is the only possible charset for language files as the OXID eShop runs by default with UTF-8 itself and does not convert charsets. If you use any other charset for your language files, you have to use html codes for special characters.


Translation files can be placed in the folders

  • translations

  • Application/translations (not recommended, deprecated but still supported)

inside your module directory.

If you have a folder Application (first letter is capital) inside your module, translation files are searched inside this directory.

Otherwise, they are searched inside the folder translations.

Inside these directories, you have to create a directory for the specific language, e.g. de or en.

Inside the language specific, directory, the filename has to be _lang.php.


 └── <module_directory>
    └── translations
        └── de
            └── myvendormymodule_de_lang.php
        └── en
            └── myvendormymodule_en_lang.php


Translation files can be placed in

  • views/admin_twig/


└── <module_directory>
    └── views
        └── admin_twig
            └── de
                └── module_options.php
                └── myvendormymodule_admin_de_lang.php
            └── en
                └── module_options.php
                └── myvendormymodule_admin_en_lang.php


In order to use translation files in your module, you have to specify at least one class inside the section extend in your metadata.php.

Module options file


Watch a short video tutorial on YouTube: Module Settings.

The following format must be used for language constants SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_, SHOP_MODULE_ and HELP_SHOP_MODULE_.


// name of the group
'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_oemoduletemplate_main' => 'Settings',

'SHOP_MODULE_oemoduletemplate_GreetingMode' => 'Greeting mode',
'SHOP_MODULE_oemoduletemplate_GreetingMode_generic' => 'generic',
'SHOP_MODULE_oemoduletemplate_GreetingMode_personal' => 'personal',

'SHOP_MODULE_oemoduletemplate_BrandName' => 'Brand name',

'SHOP_MODULE_oemoduletemplate_LoggerEnabled' => 'Enable logger',

'SHOP_MODULE_oemoduletemplate_Timeout' => 'Set timeout',

'SHOP_MODULE_oemoduletemplate_Categories' => 'Add categories',

'SHOP_MODULE_oemoduletemplate_Channels' => 'Add channels',

'SHOP_MODULE_oemoduletemplate_Password' => 'Password',


While using module_options.php for translation, the translations will only be loaded while being logged in as admin.

Custom JavaScript / CSS / Images


Watch a short video tutorial on YouTube: Custom Styles in Modules.

Create an assets directory in your module root directory and put all your JS, CSS and images in this assets directory.

All of your files in assets folder will be symlink to out/modules/<module-id>/.


└── <module_directory>
    └── assets
        └── css
            └── example.css
        └── js
            └── example.js
        └── img
            └── example.jpg

You can use something like this to include your scripts in to templates:

{{ script({ include: oViewConf.getModuleUrl("{moduleID}", "js/{js_fle_name}.js") }) }}
{{ style({ include: oViewConf.getModuleUrl('exampleModuleId', 'css/example.css') }) }}