Use Multilanguage & Multishop Feature in Custom Tables

The OXID eShop Enterprise Edition can handle multiple shops and languages. If you want to make use of both features within a custom database table, you need to pay attention for correct structure and registration.


Create a custom table oxexample. To register this table as a multilanguage table you need to add it to the array aMultiLangTables in the file

$this->aMultiLangTables = ['oxexample'];

The same goes for the multi shop feature but with the array aMultiShopTables:

$this->aMultiShopTables = ['oxexample'];


If one of the configuration parameters do not exist, simply add it to your file.


The custom table oxexample needs the field OXSHOPID. This field describes the origin of the corresponding database record. It is not the reference to a specific shop. The relationships to the different shops are described by another table - usually reffered to as s mapping table - which must be created, too. The naming schema of these mapping tables always consists of the original table name plus 2shop. So in our case it’s oxexample2shop. The oxexample2shop table consists of two fields: One is again the OXSHOPID. The other is named OXMAPOBJECTID.

Lastly we add a new field to the oxexample table which is called OXMAPID. This field is the relationship to the mapping table oxexample2shop.

In short

  • oxexample.OXSHOPID is the record’s origin shop.

  • oxexample.MAPID is the reference to oxexample2shop.OXMAPOBJECTID.

  • oxexample2shop.OXSHOPID is the actual Shop ID the record is linked to.

Database Views

After you created the structure and registered the table you need to regenerate the views:


The OXID Framework then creates all the necessary database views for languages, shops and the combination of both (e.g. oxv_oxexample_1_en). Now you can create your corresponding model, fill the table with data and use your dedicated getters or method getFieldData to always retrieve the correct value regarding language and shop of the current active user.


Please prefix your custom tables and fields with your own abbreviation.