Module configuration deployment

This document describes a possible deployment process which could be used for the application.

The workflow can be seen in image below, schema steps are described in the following sections.


(*)--> "User prepares configuration files"
--> "User prepares/creates environment files"
"User prepares/creates environment files" --> "environment/production/shops/1/modules/{module_id}.yaml"
"User prepares/creates environment files" --> "environment/staging/shops/1/modules/{module_id}.yaml"
"User prepares/creates environment files" --> "environment/testing/shops/1/modules/{module_id}.yaml"
"environment/production/shops/1/modules/{module_id}.yaml" --> "Uploads files to servers"
"environment/staging/shops/1/modules/{module_id}.yaml" --> "Uploads files to servers"
"environment/testing/shops/1/modules/{module_id}.yaml" --> "Uploads files to servers"
--> "Copy files according current\n environment to environment/shops/1/modules/{module_id}.yaml"
--> "Run oe:module:deploy-configurations command"
--> (*)


Preparing configuration files

Let’s say you are configuring modules on your local machine (how to do this please read the modules configuration document).

After you are done, you have stored your files in the var/configuration/shops/ directory.

Dealing with environment files

Let’s assume you have OXID eShop with Module Template module and you want to deploy your configuration from your development environment to your staging environment. All settings in both environments are the same, except oemoduletemplate_Password.

So, you would need all the time after deployment to change these values as configuration files would be overwritten.

To solve this problem, the environment feature was introduced.

Environment files overwrite settings which are already described in configuration files located in the var/configuration/shops/ directory.

To use this feature, create the var/configuration/environment directory and put stripped down contents of a module configuration file var/configuration/environment/shops/<shop-id>/modules/<module-id>.yaml in there.

Here, you may configure environment specific values, for example credentials for payment providers.

To solve the problem described in the beginning of the section, follow the following steps:

  1. On the staging environment (assuming its main shop with id 1 and the module id is oe_moduletemplate), create a file with the name of the module id inside the var/configuration/environment/shops/1/modules directory.

  2. Copy and paste the part of your module settings from var/configuration/shops/1/modules/oe_moduletemplate.yaml to var/configuration/environment/shops/1/modules/oe_moduletemplate.yaml.

  3. Write your new value for oemoduletemplate_Password and save your file.

Example of the environment file var/configuration/environment/shops/1/modules/oe_moduletemplate.yaml:

    value: staging_environment_password

Don’t forget to clean the module cache after updating your yaml files.


If you have environment configuration files in the OXID eShop you should not save settings via the admin backend.

If you do this, the environment specific values will be merged into the base configuration and the environment configuration for the module will be renamed to .bak file like oe_moduletemplate.yaml.bak.

Be aware that if there is already an environment backup file, it will be overridden if the settings change again.

Next steps would be:

  • Uploading directories to the production server.

  • Copying testing, staging or production directory on top of main environment directory.

    Example command:

    cp var/configuration/environment/production/ var/configuration/environment/
  • Deploying module configurations. For more information, see the following section.

Deploying module configurations

Make sure that module settings in different environments work the same.

Example: You have activated and configured a module in a test environment. Then you install the module in the production environment and copy the module’s configuration file from the test to the production environment.

To make sure the configuration in your production environment works the same as in you test environment, you execute the deployment tool.


  1. Install the deployment tool.

    composer require oxid-esales/deployment-tools
  2. Edit the configuration file. Set, for example, the activation status.

    Example of the module yaml file:

    id: oe_moduletemplate
    activated: true

    Each module configuration file has an activated option, and it can have two states:

    • true means that the module is prepared for the activation or already active.

    • false means that the module is prepared for the deactivation or already inactive.

    Also, the option will be set to true if you activate a module manually via console or admin backend or to false if you deactivate your module.

  3. Execute the following command depending on the intended scope.

    • If you have the OXID eShop Professional Edition or want to configure all subshops of an Enterprise Edition, omit the shop-id parameter.

      vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:deploy-configurations
    • If you use an OXID eShop Enterprise Edition and it is only for one shop, specify the –shop-id parameter.

      vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:deploy-configurations --shop-id=1